What Makes TLS® ACTS Adrenal, Cortisol, Thyroid & Stress Support Formula Unique?
Your job demands a lot of your time. Your family demands just as much, if not more. Trips to the mailbox are greeted by bills. Every day, life is taking its toll on you. Even in seemingly good times, stress is something we cannot escape; not only does it have a harmful effect on us mentally, but it can also wreak havoc on us physically — including on our waistlines.*
When we are faced with stress, our bodies go into "fight or flight" response and certain hormones are released by the adrenal gland, hormones that would give the body a burst of energy and strength. This response used to be beneficial to our ancestors, allowing their bodies to physically fight or run away when faced with danger. But in today’s society, this response acts much differently, taking place as a result of stressful days at the office or traffic jam on your way home. The response is supposed to return to normal once the perceived threat is gone, but if the body is unable to return to normalcy due to increased stress levels, it could have a negative effect upon the body with symptoms including adrenal fatigue, suppressed thyroid function, an imbalance in blood sugar levels, and increased abdominal (adipose) fat.*
One of the hormones released during this “fight or flight” response is cortisol, which increases blood sugar, suppresses the immune system, and aids in fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Under normal circumstances, cortisol helps restore homeostasis after stress. The problem is that constant stress leads to a constant state of cortisol production, which stimulates glucose production. This excess glucose is typically converted into fat, ending up as stored fat. High cortisol levels can also lead to binge eating. Not only do high cortisol levels make you want to keep on snacking, but excess cortisol also contributes to storing more belly fat, which is known to be a bit harder to lose.*

Cortisol levels also have a direct relationship with the thyroid, and they act synergistically with one another. Cortisol assists the thyroid hormone in working more efficiently, and the correct amount of cortisol — not too high or too low — supports normal thyroid function. When cortisol gets too high, triggered by the adrenal glands response to elevated stress, it causes a delayed response to the thyroid hormone receptors. When this occurs, the hormones aren't allowed to work at optimal levels, leaving you feeling sluggish, leading to a higher chance of stress eating, and giving up physical activity.*
When you're battling adrenal fatigue, it is difficult to lose weight for several reasons. Not only are you exhausted and lack the physical energy to exercise the way that you used to, but those suffering with adrenal fatigue also crave high-fat sweets and salty foods, turning to food as a way to comfort them and aid in assisting their exhausted adrenal glands. The combination of being sedentary, having no energy, and eating chips and cookies makes it seemingly impossible to lose weight, but there is hope, and it can be done without worsening your already delicate state of health and without feeling famished.*
TLS ACTS Adrenal, Cortisol, Thyroid & Stress Support Formula, specially formulated with holy basil and ashwagandha, works specifically to promote healthy adrenal gland function, cortisol levels and thyroid function to help control stress levels and minimize weight gain that is associated with increased stress. Unlike the competitors, TLS ACTS doesn't just mask the problem of weight gain — it addresses the root of the problem by helping your body adapt to stress and assisting you with your weight management goals.*

Stress is something that most of us cannot escape; not only does it have a harmful effect on us mentally, but it can also wreak havoc on us physically – including on our waistlines.*
Most products on the market either focus on weight loss or stress. TLS ACTS addresses both, helping your body adapt to stress and helping you reach your weight loss goals. TLS ACTS Adrenal, Cortisol, Thyroid & Stress Support Formula works specifically to promote healthy adrenal gland function, cortisol levels and thyroid function to help control stress levels and minimize stress related weight gain.
What Makes TLS® CORE Fat & Carb Inhibitor Unique?
Do you feel like you’re always hungry and never full? Have you tried other products on the market but still struggle with your weight? If so, you may be dealing with leptin sensitivity.
Leptin is the hormone that, in essence, tells our brain when to eat, how much to eat and – most importantly – when to stop eating. Leptin is secreted by fat; the more fat, the more leptin. However, the people who could benefit most from leptin’s effects are those who need it most.

While obese people produce much higher levels of leptin than thin and normal-weight individuals, they are somehow resistant to its effects. For example, when serial dieters – those who are continually losing and gaining weight – lose fat through diet and exercise, the brain thinks it is starving and tells the body to hold on to its fat stores. This is when the weight usually roars back. That’s because the body will fight harder against losing fat than it will against gaining fat. That's why most people find it a whole lot easier to get fat than they do to get lean. As someone gains weight, the body tries to maintain the status quo, but the baseline has moved higher. After the body adjusts to a heavier, new status quo, it's hard to slim down again.
TLS CORE Fat & Carb Inhibitor was created to deal specifically with the weight management issues related to leptin sensitivity. TLS CORE Fat & Carb Inhibitor, one of the few products on the market to deal with this issue, works in three specific ways. First, it may help with appetite suppression with the help of LeptiCore®, a clinically-proven, patent-pending, all-natural ingredient designed specifically to promote healthy weight management.*
Next, TLS CORE Fat & Carb Inhibitor inhibits the amount of starchy carbohydrates being absorbed by the body. These carbohydrates can elevate blood sugar levels, increasing insulin. This can cause the body to store additional fat, triggering leptin, causing you to eat and over-consume. Finally, TLS CORE Fat & Carb Inhibitor helps to stop the body from converting excess carbohydrates into fat.*
By supporting a normal response to leptin, helping to inhibit the body’s absorption of carbohydrates, you can finally get the support you need to keep off the weight. TLS CORE Fat & Carb Inhibitor, in combination with the TLS Weight Loss Solution, will help you lose weight and feel great!
TLS CORE is the essential TLS supplement, promoting weight loss with scientifically proven ingredients to help inhibit carbohydrate and fat absorption in the body and decrease appetite. The majority of similar products either have the ingredients to help metabolize carbs and fat OR to decrease appetite. TLS CORE trumps competitors because it is one of the only products on the market with the ability to inhibit carbs, fat, and control hunger.
What Makes TLS® Tonalin® CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) Unique?
CLA, or conjugated linoleic acid, was first identified in 1978. Dr. Michael Pariza was studying beef extract at the University of Wisconsin-Madison as part of his cancer research. What he found was unexpected. Dr. Pariza’s initial research suggested two important possibilities. First, that CLA helps reduce body fat and, second, that it helps maintain lean muscle tissue. These initial findings attracted great interest, and a surge of scientific studies and research followed.
TLS Tonalin CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) is ideal for those who have lost weight, or are losing weight, and want the extra support to keep it off. TLS Tonalin CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) contains natural ingredients that can help redistribute fat to fat-burning muscle tissue to assist in promoting lean muscle mass and decreasing the amount of fat stored in your body. CLA has also been shown to enhance fat breakdown (lipolysis) within the muscle tissue and create more lean muscle.

TLS® Tonalin® CLA is the ideal product for those who are looking to get toned and lose body fat. TLS® Tonalin® CLA contains natural ingredients that can assist in promoting lean muscle mass and decreasing the amount of fat stored in your body. Based on a study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a minimum dose of 3,200 mg per day of CLA produces loss of body fat . While there any many other CLA products on the market, TLS Tonalin CLA provides the optimal formula for maximized fat loss. TLS® Tonalin® CLA provides a daily amount of 3,500mg of Tonalin® CLA, the highest quality form of CLA on the market.
What makes Tonalin® CLA superior:
• Market leadership in branded CLA • The highest quality of all CLAs • The most fully researched of all CLAs • The most proven health and nutrition benefits