March 14, 2014


Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure. ~Napoleon Hill
Life, and business can be tough. Business is particularly difficult if you are an entrepreneur, solo-preneur, working-preneur, or already have your small business or start-up already moving forward. It is very easy to get distracted and discouraged along the journey to you end-goal. Some of the best solutions to this are coaching and mastermind groups. Today, we will focus on the latter. Everyone needs a sounding board. A place that represents a supportive and safe environment where you can turn to for problem solving, brainstorming, or even feedback.
In addition to having sounding boards to test out our ideas, we can all do better by having experts on our side, and a safe haven in which to ask for and receive help and advice. Every small business owner, CEO, or entrepreneur, in my opinion, must have a Board of Advisor’s. The easiest and fastest way to put one together is to join or create a Mastermind Group where every member gets and gives equal doses of advice from the group.
Ten Reasons You Need One
1. Mandatory participation. In a Mastermind Group the agenda belongs to the whole group and each person’s participation is key. Peers give each other feedback, help each other brainstorm new possibilities, and set up structures of accountability that keep each person focused and on track. The group creates a community of supportive colleagues who will brainstorm together to move each member of the group to new heights.
2. Improved insight. Each member gains tremendous insight, which can improve their business and personal life. A Mastermind Group is a powerful influence and resource.
3. Collaboration. Here is a golden opportunity to interact and collaborate with like minded people in a non-competitive environment.
4. Finding your tribe. Become part of a distinct community, a tribe, in the current vernacular. It is an instant and valuable professional support network. You get to team up with people who are better than you in some areas of business or experience; people you can learn from. And, who can learn from you!
5. Support. You will find and attract people who can help and support you. These matches are helpful for the long term growth and success of your business.
6. Build a foundation. It will help you establish a strong personal foundation and see beyond what you can see by yourself.
7. Alleviate the burden of feeling alone. You can share business models with each other and brainstorm with people who are already on the same wavelength as you. You will get a sense of shared endeavor, and know for certain that there are others out there in the same boat.
8. Leaders are learners. You can walk away from these encounters with gems of wisdom and/ or changed perspective from each meeting. There is no wasted time or energy.
9. Up your risk-taking. Experience, skill and confidence develop from the Mastermind Group’s support can free you up to take more risks and reach for bigger and broader goals and dreams.
10. Celebrate your independent thinking. The Mastermind Group can aid you in designing your business, and your life, to be the way you want them to be, and not as you have always been told they should be.
Teaming up with people who think the way you do, but are skilled in other areas can be of benefit to everyone involved in the group. Thinking and seeing things differently, both in life and in business will keep you a few steps ahead or your competition, focused and on track for success (as you define it) at home and at work.
Photo Credit: ArtJonak via Compfight cc
This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: Why YOU Need a Mastermind Group

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