July 30, 2013

Budgeting Your Way To Financial Success!

At the end of the year, if you’re anything like me, you probably wonder where all your hard earned money went? Even though you had been working very hard, trying to save as much as possible, there was always something that undermined your plan.  It seems the harder you try, the harder it gets, and in the end you’re heading nowhere. By the month of January of the up coming year, you are another year older, and you have yet another bill to be paid.  The idea of success in the future seems so far away, and so hard to reach.  Does any of this sound familiar to you?

Well, about a little over 2 years ago, I had a major breakdown financially, emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually… you name it. I was in deep trouble, and was on my way to just give up and let go of my life. One evening, just like any other evening, I had absolutely nothing going on; my life was a mess; I felt like I had nothing to offer whatsoever.  Out of the blue, God sent me angel.  A very close friend of mine introduced me to an Internet Unfranchise company. Despite being brand new to me, I have learned rather quickly.  I have learned how to better manage my hard earned money, and have gotten out of debt.  I have also learned how to budget myself better for the future. I can now clearly see how much I make, how much I spend, and how much I have left to feed my children, and save for my retirement.

Below is the list of things that I carefully calibrated. These basic items can’t be left out if you are taking budgeting on a daily/monthly basis seriously. In fact, if you truly want to achieve all your goals and dreams, then I highly suggest you start today to master your budget, because without it, you will be caught in a vicious cycle, where your chance of breaking free is zero.

My Homemade Piggy Bank

With all these being said with my utmost respect, my budget is as follows:

- Continue education (licensing, classes (on/off line), seminars, books, videos, etc..)
- Business expenses (gas, travels, advertising, food, lodging, etc..)
- Telephone
- Insurance (health and assets)
- Health maintenance (inside-out)
- Networking (on/off line)
- Mortgage
- Business trips (Vacations)
- Tidings (Church and charities)
- Time (time management)
- Clothing and accessories
- Unexpected expenses
- Vehicle maintenance
- Work related equipment maintenance
- Retirement
- Children's expenses

What about you? What's in your daily, weekly, monthly, yearly budget? or How do you manage your hard earned money?

Believe in yourself,

By: Sonny Nguyen
(Revised by: John Silvestro, (A great friend of mine). Thank you John, wholeheartedly!

July 28, 2013

Fun day at Designers Hair Salon

For the last 19 years being involved in the hair and beauty industry, I have the privilege to work and meet many men, women, and children of all ages, as well as working & hanging with great beautiful colleagues/friends. I feel very fortunate and blessed for this amazing journey and look forward for many more years to come.

Today, at Designers Hair Salon, (a salon I have been one of the core members the last several years) we gathered and had our group and individual photos taken, and we had so much fun. (These photos were taken by me with the help from EduardoAlonso, a friend who work as product consultant with our salon). These photos will be displayed on our company’s website in the upcoming days. (Stay tuned)

On a different note, Designers Hair Salon is very exciting and is putting together our first “Motives Party”. This live beauty event will feature the top 10 motives customized cosmetics products our clients will be thrilled. The date/time for this event will be announced immediately once available.

Below are some of the photos we took earlier today. Enjoy!

July 25, 2013

MA#2013 National Convention (August 8th-11th, 2013) Greensboro North Carolina

What is Ma's National Convention?

For those of you who have never been here before, this is a 3 days business convention where Ma’s Internet franchise owners (National & International) gathering along with their existing business partners, as well as special guests and/or future potential business partners. Here you get your chance to witness in person Ma’s business teams of extremely motivated business owners, entrepreneurs, you also experience first hand what time and financial freedom is all about.

In these 3 unforgettable days, you get to learn all the latest and most innovative technology updates and products knowledge the company has to offer. You also learn how to network, leverage the Internet and the power of people. The unique and most effective way of building an Internet network marking and one to one business will potentially give you and your family a long term stable residual income leveraging our proven and successful Unfranchise system.

The positive energy, the compassion level here is enormous with over twenty thousand highly motivated entrepreneurs and Internet franchise owners around the country and oversea. It’s also a place for you to meet and make new friends, learn and exchange new business skill, networking with other successful Internet franchise owners. This also a great opportunity for all entrepreneurs, business owners to recharge their battery, refresh their mind, body, spirit, belief, love and passion to continue their business journal to infinity.

Why you don't want to miss this epic business event?

Imagine yourself playing a sport; it’s necessary for you to attend trainings, rules, and all the latest updates, and you must show up for all the practices to learn new tactics from the coaches, also to meet get to know your new and old teammates better, to be mentally and physically fit so on game day you are ready to fight or compete. The same applies when you own a business, you need to get yourself and your team educated by attending business meetings, company events, clinics, and seminars to learn and gain more knowledge about your company and policy as well as products and services Etc.…Without proper trainings and common practices, how can you meet, or exceed your business goals right?

I am excited and ready to come back for more…

Base on my personal experience at last year Ma's National Convention. I can honestly say that, business event like this helps me gain so much knowledge, confident, and the opportunity to help others achieving their goals and dreams. To me, this business convention is your continuing education for your business, and should be part of your commitment in building your successful Internet franchise.

This is such a fun business event where I enjoyed the food, the friendships, and all the live music provided by Conquer Entertainment, and artists. I highly suggest you bring a friend along to this awesome business event. This could be your life changer forever. It’s changing mine. I am humble and grateful every single day to be an Internet franchise owner. Oh, and since this is a business related event, pretty much all your expenses are tax write-off. That’s why I call this BUSINESS trip!
For tickets information please contact Sonny Nguyen at 210-279-6731 

July 23, 2013

Hair Loss - What Happen?

What happens in hair loss depends on its cause.

Inherited hair loss 

Inherited hair loss (androgenetic alopecia) is also called male-pattern hair loss or female-pattern hair loss. About half the population have some hair loss by about 50 years of age. Men may start losing hair between the ages of 15 and 25, and women are more likely to start losing hair between the ages of 25 and 30, or in some cases, after menopause.

Men tend to lose hair on the front hairline and temples and on top of the head. Eventually, they may go completely bald.

Women generally lose less hair than men, but they have a similar pattern of hair loss. Women may have slight, moderate, or even severe hair loss, but they don't usually lose all their hair.
For both men and women, this type of hair loss must be treated early for hair to regrow.

Other causes of hair loss

Alopecia areata is hair loss caused when the immune system attacks hair follicles where hair growth begins. It usually starts with one or more small, round, smooth bald patches on the scalp and can progress to total scalp hair loss or complete body hair loss. It often begins in childhood. The hair usually grows back within 1 year. But hair loss in alopecia areata often comes and goes-the hair will grow back over several months in one area but will fall out in another area.

Hair loss also may be caused by stress, disease, or medicines or medical treatments. In these cases, clumps of hair may fall out. But after the cause is stopped, the hair usually grows back, although sometimes treatment may be needed.

Treatment to regrow hair does not work for everyone. If your hair loss is inherited, treatment may not permanently restore your hair. If your hair loss is caused by medicine, stress, or damage, hair often grows back after the cause is removed, although sometimes you will need treatment.

For both men and women, hair thinning and baldness increase the risk of sunburn and skin cancer on the scalp. When in the sun, it is important to wear a hat or use a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more to prevent sun damage to the scalp.
WebMD Medical Reference from Healthwise
Last Updated: June 04, 2010

This information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor. Healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information.

July 22, 2013

Why You Should Take Engagement Photos

What exactly is an engagement session? In most cases it is a casual photo shoot with your photographer. It is an opportunity for you to be photographed prior to your wedding, and get to know your photographer and see images of yourselves before the wedding day. The photographer you hired to capture your wedding images should be the same individual who shoots your engagement photographs. The idea is to build rapport and feel comfortable with the person taking your wedding photographs.
Try to get your engagement pictures taken soon after you hire your photographer, not weeks before the wedding. By arranging your session early, you will have the opportunity to enjoy your images during most of your engagement period. Should you wait until the wedding is close at hand, engagement photos will seem like one more thing to be done and little time to do it. The engagement session should be light and playful with plenty of time to capture just the right moments.

To help make these images special, pick a location that has some significance to you both. It could be the place where you got engaged or a first date. The location could be a place as simple as your home, a restaurant, museum, or maybe the college where you met. If you can’t think of anything, ask your photographer for advice. He or she will most likely know some picturesque settings nearby such as beaches, a national park, or even surprise you with a location you never would have considered on your own.
Another advantage to being photographed prior to your wedding day is the opportunity for the bride to have a test run done on her make-up. Set up an appointment with the person doing your make-up for the wedding right before your engagement shoot. This way you will get to see how your make-up will look, not only in the mirror but how it will photograph. If there are adjustments to be made, it will not be too late.
Getting to know your photographer, seeing pictures of yourselves ahead of time and knowing you will like your make-up will help build confidence in yourselves and your photographer, creating a shared level of trust. From a photographer’s perspective it is reassuring to walk into a bride’s dressing room on her wedding day greeted with an enthusiastic hello, as opposed to a cold hand shake and reminding them who you are. As the photographer observes the bride and groom through his lens that day, they will better capture the emotional, real life moments because of the bond established with the couple. It is a much different experience than working with a stranger who they meet only once, six months to a year ago.

What do you do with your new pictures? One idea that many couples choose is an engagement portrait or collage. A framed image or multiple framed images from your engagement session is a great way to ad some warmth and personality to your new home. You benefit by having images of the two of you hang in your home or homes long before the wedding.
Engagement images also make great gifts for parents and grandparents. A small album or coffee table box allows you to share these photos with guests. Your engagement images might also be used for “Save the Date” cards, engagement announcements or in your hometown paper. It could even be printed on the cover of your wedding CD, a popular favor for guests. Make sure to get your photographer’s permission if you choose to self-publish your engagement or wedding images. A photo-credit with the photographer’s name or website is usually a good way to ensure the permission of your photographer.
Knowing and liking your photographer, is significant in the success of your wedding and will help keep you focused on the real reason you are having a wedding in the first place, each other.

By: Robert Evans
Photos: Sonny Nguyen
Motives makeup & hair: Sonny Nguyen
Models: Lyssa + Justin
Location: San Antonio, Texas 2013

July 19, 2013

Senior Portraits

I often asked if I have to choose one thing to shoot, what would it be? And I always chuckle to answer, but really if I only have one choice, then I have to say people portraits. This is not just seniors, or fashion portrait alone, but also engagement, bridal, wedding, special events, family; etc.  Why? I don’t really have a definite answer to this, but I tend to connect with people very naturally & freely. People often say I have that deep and warm touch from my soul. :-)

Estefany, is a young beautiful senior student from Waco, TX. She met me in Austin where I used “Shear Styles Salon & Spa” as venue for her hair & makeup using Motives Cosmetics by Loren Ridinger. I love almost all of the images I captured that day for Estefany.

For all your photography needs, please contact me at 210-279-6731. Let’s make some “eyes candy” together shall we? 
Sonny Nguyen